
Switzerland and non-tariff measures: a complicated marriage?

The Swiss market has a lot to offer, but beware of the non-tariff measures. According to the World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) system, in more than 60% of the cases, Swiss imports are affected by non-tariff measures. Most concerned sectors are:

  1. agro-food,
  2. chemicals,
  3. machines and electronics.

These measures represent 51.46% of the total value of Swiss imports. Some examples:

  • requirements imposing the obtention of a licence or a permit by the Government,
  • labelling requirements include the obligation to mention technical information on the product and the translation into the official language(s) of the country.

Before embarking on exports to Switzerland, it is crucial to take into account these measures since they can influence the profitability of an export project. A complete analysis allows companies to define if the project is economically viable or not. Use Prodigo’s experience to overcome these barriers!