Market Intelligence
An analysis of the potential of your product or service
When it comes to growing in a new market, knowledge of it is fundamental. Experience shows that there are two types of approach adopted by companies wishing to develop their activities: those that prepare well in advance by studying their target market before launching it, and others that consider these efforts unnecessary and attack the market directly in the hope of obtaining rapid results. It is obvious that the best prepared companies obtain better quality and better long-term results.
The prepared companies have better knowledge on:
- market potential
- competition
- regional particularities and sensitivities in the country
- the role of linguistic differences
Prodigo supports you:
By preparing a market study
There are hundreds of thousands of excellent products and services that are successful in the domestic market, but which cannot be found overseas. Often companies attempt to commence exporting without a good knowledge of the appropriate channels and specific needs of the market they are targeting. Being away from the target market makes it more difficult to access local sources of information, due to physical distance or a lack of language skills.
In Prodigo you will have a local partner in Switzerland, with offices both in the German and the French-speaking regions. Our proximity to information and local contacts are assets which will facilitate the collection of the data necessary to study your target market.
By organising a study trip
Before establishing commercial contacts, it is advisable to undertake a study trip to get a feel for the market. This can take the following forms:
- visiting a fair, or inspecting stores
- participating in a conference
- meeting with representatives of sector associations or research institutes
- exchanging knowledge with potential partners who are already in the market
Prodigo will set up a complete program for you, including accommodation, travel and on-site support.
By analysing legal and regulatory requirements
Since Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, part of its legislation is not aligned with that of the EU member States. When a company from the EU wishes to export its products and services to Switzerland, it must be aware from outset of any trade barriers. These can be legal or regulatory obligations, such as specific product requirements or import quotas. They can also take the form of tariff barriers, such as import tariffs. A knowledge of these assists in formulating economic forecasts.