Onze klanten vertrouwen ons

Door de jaren heen heeft Prodigo zijn portefeuille met klanten (zowel bedrijven als publieke spelers) uit vele Europese landen en enkele overzeese landen voortdurend uitgebreid. Hieronder vindt u op basis van getuigenissen een overzicht van de verschillende diensten die wij geleverd hebben aan onze klanten en uit welke sectoren ze afkomstig zijn.



“We used the services of Prodigo for the administrative follow-up of metal shelf dismantling projects in stores in 3 different cantons in Switzerland. They took care of the calculations for the adjustment of the salaries of the posted workers, made the preannouncements at the cantonal authorities and informed us about the Swiss labour regulations. Prodigo also acts as our tax representative for VAT matters.  

It would have been difficult for us to follow up on all these aspects from abroad. That’s why we were very happy to have a reliable partner on site! Thanks to the responsiveness and helpfulness of Johan and Michel at Prodigo, they contributed to the success of these 3 projects. For our next projects in Switzerland we will again call on the services of Prodigo.”

Michel Mairesse, Administrator at Micomag SRL

Before the start of our works in Switzerland we asked Prodigo to take care of all administration in Switzerland, what they did with great professionalism. Going from the help to receive a VAT-number, to the delivery of documents, invoices and posting of workers, the entire service was very professional and went very smoothly all time.

They are a very great team and know their job very well. I can only recommend them for the great service they offered us.

Erik Wijnant, Administration Manager of Pan-All